More information on the Windows 10 compatibility with NFON CTI and softphone products

Dear NFON customers,

as reported in the previous blog entry about Windows 10 compatiblity of CTI and softphone products, NFON has released the following softclients for usage with Windows 10:

  • NCTI standard/CRM for Windows
  • Nreception (VOP) for Windows ( from firmware 156 onwards)

The Nsoftphone premium client for Windows is now officially compatible with Windows 10 with the last softphone update (version 8.0.0).

The compatibility of the NCTI premium / CRM client for Windows with Windows 10 is not yet confirmed and will only be available with a future product update. We will inform you about the update as soon as possible.

All information about NFON supported operating systems can be found in the compatibility overviews and manuals under

Kind regards,
your NFON team

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